Beratungsgesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt) 

You live abroad and need a safety deposit box in Germany, in the EU or worldwide? Or form a LLC in Germany?

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Store your assets in Germany, the EU or worldwide in a safety deposit box or Hire us as your legal Trustee for your Investments in Germany

For storage in Germany, we work with our partner for bank-independent safety deposit boxes in Germany. In high security vaults 24/7 guarded. With over 30 years of experience, together we combine our services for your asset protection. Visit the website. Known from the press as the "Fort Knox of Germany" the facility is guarded 365 days a year. Click here for a video tour of one of the 3 most secure buildings in the EU:  

Our services therefore include, by implication, an impact analysis that has now arisen as a result of the new agreement of the automatic exchange of data of banks abroad with the Federal Republic, because after the adoption of the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), the AEOI (AIA) (Automatic Exchange of Information) of the OECD in 2013 and the parallel U.S FATCA agreement (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act), so far more than 120 countries, including the British Virgin Islands, Panama, Isle of Man and many more countries have joined the automatic data exchange to your home country. Register now for 98,00 € at RESERVIERUNG and submit your application:

Our Partner in Germany
Our Partner in Germany
With 30 years of experience in safe houses and vaults
With 30 years of experience in safe houses and vaults
Our Partner in Germany
Our Partner in Germany

Offshore companies for asset protection overseas

We help you to open your safety deposit box and bank account. In Germany or overseas. Offshore companies or a bank account with a safety deposit box overseas is not prohibited. Again, keep your legitimate assets where you want. We help you open a safety deposit box even in exclusive jurisdictions. Regarding offshore companies, we can advise realistically and how to use an offshore IBC (Int. Business Company). Holding an LLC overseas is a legal way to save you from lawsuits in order to protect your private assets from illegal seizure. Again, anyone may move and store their lawful and taxed property wherever you wish. We work with leading law firms in the world and advise you on all fundamentally important aspects of owning an offshore company. If you wish to set up a LLC in Germany (GmbH or UG) please contact us.

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